So this week it rained a lot. Rain isn't bad, not really, the
only problem is that it makes it a little bit harder for investigators
and less actives to keep certain commitments. Yesterday at church not
too many people came, there was one person
who has just barely returned from Manila and he said to me 'Elder you
must be working hard there are a lot of people here' I responded our
numbers were low today and he said' yeah but it's raining, no one comes
to church when it rains.' When it rains on
Sunday the numbers apparently drop. For the most part only people who
live really close to church and the really active members came
yesterday. It is a little difficult for less actives who haven't come
regularly in years or investigators who've only come
once to come when there is heavy rain. It's all right though although
we had only a few the ones who are really progressing came, and it also
helps us see some of the people who need to strengthen their faith.
This week we worked a lot in an area called Imbalbalatong. I
have seen so many people in this barangay ready to accept the gospel,
there is only one problem; one side of the street is ours, the other
side is the other wards. We talk to people on
the street, give them pamphlets or Books of Mormon, make a return
appointment, and then when we go to their house we realize they belong
in the other ward. When we talk to people or ask referrals, 50% are in
our area, and 50% in the other. It's hard, because
every lesson we teach there is a good lesson. Everyone that I've met
there has been receptive, the only problem is after half our first
lessons we go tell the other Elders we have a referral for them. The
work is really good there. We ended up going to
almost the very end of the street and we found a whole compound of
people who were willing to listen to us. I think we will start going
there a little more often and we will see what will happen. 
Have a good week, keep your head up, and smile.
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